Friday, March 27, 2020

Day Five: Friday, March 27th


It is Friday and I will be crossing out Week 26 on our Fractions of Grade 5 chart today.

  1. 9-10:15: Maths Topic 13 Test - The test will appear on the blog at 9AM. Please type the answers into the document that I just shared with you. Be sure that you type into the right block with the right question number. 
  2. 10:30-11:45 Number The Stars Assessment: I will share the test document with each of you before 10:30AM - Answer the questions as well as you can before 11:45 when I will lock the documents, making them View Only.

Afternoon Session: There is no specific lesson for this afternoon but here are a few things that you could do if you choose not to take Snoopy's advice:
  • Work on your Social Studies project;
  • Work on your Historical Fiction draft - remember the first draft of ideas (not the whole essay) is due today;
  • Work on your Science report about Chernobyl;
  • Work on your International Expo as much as you can - 'Hangout' with your group;
  • Work on your ideas and gather materials for your self-watering STEM  - check in with your partner;
  • READ - do research, read a book that you got from the library or have been meaning to read;
  • Give yourself a Shazam for being such a spectacular bunch because you have all adapted really well to the distance learning thing. With this in mind, please check the workbook document to which you have been uploading photographs of your work. Make sure that you have completed and uploaded every lesson. I will put the last of your grades in tonight, once I have graded the Maths tests.
  • Rest this weekend and BE CAREFUL, VIGILANT, AND RESPONSIBLE. Those CoroNazis have heard all about the Robustanian Resisitance movement and they're going to be coming for us. Keep your clean hands, fresh soap, and running water with you at all times. You're going to need them. 
Historical Fiction Due Dates:
 Friday, March 27 (TODAY): First draft due
Tuesday, April 7th: Second draft due
Tuesday, April 21st: Final printed copy due.

Let's see how the war against CoroNazis goes on the Xiangshanobyl front. I hope to be seeing all of you soon so that we can finish off all of these tasks and move onto biographies (Heroes WEEK!) and plays involving The Cold War. 


  1. is the open blog?

  2. Hello Matthis,

    Our Robustanian codebreakers on the Xiangshanobyl front have intercepted your coded messages above and come back to me with this:

    "Is the Maths test an Open Blog test?"

    If that is your question, then yes, you may consult the blog during the test.
