Friday, March 27, 2020

Topic 13 Practice Test Answers


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D


  1. Isn’t number one, D?

  2. Also, isn’t number 10 D as well?

  3. Also number 6, isn’t it B? I think 7 is A. And number 5, Isn’t it A?

  4. Oh boy...Old Man Robus has just had one of those moments of confusion that only old people know anything about.

    Professor. Brontecelli Costellerini of the Robustanian Institute of Meticulous Mathematicals has pointed out a number of mistakes in the post I put up earlier with what I thought was the answers to the Practice Test.

    After realizing that Prof. Costellerini was definitely onto something, I noticed that I had, using my magnifying glass no less, put the answers to the Multiple Choice test (that we are not writing at all) instead of the practice test.

    If anyone wants to urge the Robustanian government to get me a new, better magnifying glass or a brand new set of eyeballs, please send them an email.

    Thank you for your eagle eyeball, Prof. Costellerini!
