Monday, April 6, 2020

Topic 14-4 Answers


Please note that I am not at school today so I have written the answers out on paper instead of on the whiteboard. I will have a meeting with Mrs. Lines later so I will only putting the answers for RETEACHING AND PRACTICE up on the whiteboard (and the blog for those who are staying home) tomorrow.

Read the paragraph above again so you don't become that guy who types, "Hey, yo, old dude, like where are the answers to the Reteaching and Practice, man?" in the comments section below.

Go, do it, do it, read the first paragraph again. That means you, Johnny D!


  1. shouldn't the answer for question 3 be C?

  2. yeah, shouldn't the qc number 4 be D?

  3. Hello, yes to both

    In the Quick Check, 3 should be C and 4 should be D. My calculations and explanations are correct, but we old people sometimes get our Cs and Ds mixed up. It sometimes takes me three days to remember where I parked my car.

    "Did I park it in section D or Section C?"
