Monday, April 6, 2020

What is Peer Editing and Peer Evaluation?

Greetings, Robustanian Writer's Guild!

You will have received a copy of two of your classmates' historical fiction stories. The afternoon session should be spent reading each others' work and commenting about things that you like. If you have suggestions about typos and misspelled words, feel free to help your friends out. I noticed that some of you have already shared your stories with others. Perfect! The more people who tell you what they like about your story, what might not make sense to the reader, or what could be improved, the better your story will be. You don't have to agree with all of the suggestions made about your story, but consider every suggestion that is made with your reader in mind.


  1. When will we know if we will have distance learning or if we are going to school for the rest of the week?

  2. Hello Unknown,

    Mrs. Lines posted on the blog earlier that we will still be doing distance learning tomorrow. We will have to wait for further direction from the CDC before a decision can be made about returning to school on Wednesday.

    Until then, just keep checking the Class Dojo School Story to know as early as possible what is going to happen.
