Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social Studies Chapter 12 - Lesson 2: The Korean Years

Have you ever wondered how North and South Korea became two separate countries?

After watching this, please complete pages 105 and 106 in your Social Studies workbook.

Big Question for this lesson: Now that you know what the 38th parallel is, think about the families that had members on both sides of the line. What if they didn't all move to the same side in time? How would you feel if you were living in either North or South Korea, and you have heard stories about your grandparents and great-grandparents being separated from their relatives and never being able to see them again because of the line created to separate North and South Korea. 

If you have time, the next question is for enrichment [to extend your thoughts about this period in time) and also to introduce you to some ideas that we will be learning about in Lesson 3 of this chapter and Lesson 3 of Chapter 13.

Big Question: What is interesting about the soldiers in the photograph on page 416 of your Social Studies textbook? I have emailed the pages from the textbook to you. Please put your answers in the comments section below.

Hint: This Nina Simone song will give you a very good idea, though she is singing about the next war, in Vietnam, that we will learn about. Listen to the words that she is singing. What do you think the song is about? And yes, of course Nina Simone will be paying us a visit during Heroes Week/Month.

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