Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday, April 10, 2020

Hello Home Guardians!

Due to our lunch times being changed to help us with social distancing, our Art lesson was moved to 11:00AM so that Mr. Johnson will have enough time to work with the class. Here is an updated schedule for today. 

8:40 to 9AM - Maths (POTD and textbook pages will be on the blog by 8:30)
11:00 to 11:55AM Art
1:30 to 3PM STEM Discussion/Distance Learning Survey/Discussion

For the above, we will be checking to see how many bean plants have survived for the past three weeks. Some partnerships who have two strong plants will donate one of theirs to partnerships where the seed did not germinate. This unfortunately happened to quite a few seeds, probably because they are older than expected. 

See you all later.   

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