Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Kahoot Results!

Well done to Nobody k, Drama Star, and name for their top three placings. I think a few of you, Loading... and April Fools, Gorilla Pancake, and a few others did well to stay in the top five throughout the game.

What I hope you learned from this is that if you are good at reading, you do better in these sorts of games. How do you get good at reading? Read more often. I know that everyone in this class can read. Unfortunately, being good at reading means nothing if you don't read instructions. The more you read, the faster you read and understand. I got two emails during the game from people who told me that they can't see the questions on their screen. What this tells me is that they somehow missed the instruction to look at the Google doc for the questions. Lesson learned: Always read the instructions, especially if they have been sent to you three times in one day.

Well done to all of those who were able to play even after the Game Pin had to be changed. I wanted to get everything organized and send the Game Pin early so that there could not possibly be any problems. Unfortunately, Kahoot does not allow a Game Pin to last forever and the first one appears to have expired. 14 of you were still able to adapt to that little glitch and play.

Below was possibly the most interesting in that one person, you know who you are, Blue Guy!, responded that there are too many days of Grade 5 left. Haha! I will leave the countdown on the blog for you to check every now and again. There are 78.5 days left right now. Before you know it, it will be over.

Enjoy the movie that should be up on the blog soon. I will also email the link soon.

Happy April Fool's Day.

Have a good spring break weekend.