Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Kahoot Game Pin For Today

As I mentioned earlier, you will need to use a Google Doc (I will send it soon) instead of the big screen to get your questions. Each page contains one question. Page one of the document is Question 1, page 2 is Question 2, page 3 is Question 3 and so on.

Yes, you will have access to ALL of the questions as soon as the game starts so you can, if you want to take the risk, scroll through and look ahead at questions. This, however, could cause you to lose track of which question is being asked and you may start panicking while trying to get on track and lose out on questions by missing them.

For this reason, the best strategy for playing today in this very different way to how we usually play, is to go to the first question, answer it, scroll down one page to the next page, answer that question when the answers come up on the screen.

Be sure that you have TWO things open that you may need to click between while playing. The first is a web page with and the answer options that you click on. The other is the Google doc with your questions.

This is all about adaptability and learning how to do something familiar in a different environment. Who knows who will win today. Some who usually don't make it to the Top 5 in the lah might find that today's approach works better for them.

We'll see.

Here is your Game Pin in the meantime:

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