Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 6 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,

Week 6 has ended and we find ourselves quite suddenly in the month of October by the time our next school week starts. As we approach the end of the first quarter of Grade 5, it is heartening to see how much the students have grown and learned in these first few weeks. This week has been spent emphasizing the agency and independence of young people, with Greta Thunberg as our focus for Global Awareness Week in her fight against the willful ignorance, pseudoscience and greed that keeps the majority of the planet either unaware or unconcerned about the future of our species.  

Please remember that next Monday, September 30th is a Professional Development (PD) day for teachers, so there will be no school for students. 

What we learned this week:
Math: Topic 3 – Multiplying Whole Numbers.
Literacy: Styles of Narrative – Journaling (Dear Mr. Henshaw)/Personal Narratives/The Sentence (Unit Wrap Up- Test next week).
Science: Ch. 1 – Properties of Matter
Social Studies: Ch. 2 The Nation Divides

What we will learn next week:
Math: Topic 3 – Multiplying Whole Numbers – Topic 3 Test/Topic 4
Literacy: Styles of Narrative – Journaling (Dear Mr. Henshaw)/Personal Narratives/The Sentence (Unit Test)
Science: Ch. 1 – Properties of Matter
Social Studies: Ch. 3 The Civil War and Reconstruction


Student of the Week:

Well done, Becky Yu! Check out the Student of the Week page on the blog to find out more. 

Dojo Masters:

Thanks for all the hard work this week. Please check the Dojo Masters page on the blog to see who our masters for this week are.

  1. Please note that next Thursday and Friday, October 10th and 11th National Holiday. 
  2. Please ensure that your child logs in to Achieve 3000 every time an article is assigned as homework.
  3. Please sign your child’s homework book every day and ensure that they have completed their homework.
  4. Please sign any tests sent home and send them back the very next day.

Have a good weekend!

Mr. Robus

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