Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Science Chapter 5 Lesson 1: What is the water cycle

True story: When I was in elementary school, my Geography teacher announced one day that we were about to start learning about the water cycle and the picture that formed in my mind was something like this:

But you're all a lot sharper than that so, once you have stopped laughing about little Mr. Robus and his confusion, watch this video, then work through Lesson 1 (pages 204 to 209 in your Science workbook. We will go through the answers together tomorrow, whether we are in class with some joining us through Hangouts, or we have short Hangouts conferences in small groups.

You may also take a look at pages 198 and 199. Feel free to conduct this experiment (see below) at home as the difference between today's weather and what is predicted tomorrow could lead to some interesting results. I know that you do a very similar experiment in Grade 4 but I will still do the experiment in class when we return to school.

Yes, we now have two STEM activities to do but that makes the next few weeks twice as much fun as any ordinary week. We will finish the plant self-watering systems once everyone is back together and then we will work on the water filters for this chapter. 

If you have time, you may also watch this video because it is really interesting:

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