Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Moon Landing Question Assignment

Hello Spacebustanians! As someone who has been known to announce, [in Bronte's voice] "I am an Edyoocaytor!" I know that the best way to learn a new skill is to try to use it. For this reason, I have started looking into using Google Classroom as it is quite well-designed. It will, however, take a few days and a few trial assignments to start to know how it works best, I decided to start with an easy opinion assignment connected to the beginning of Chapter 12 in Social Studies and one of my own heroes who I will speak to you about once we are all back together and Heroes Week can begin. Here are the pages for those who are keen to start the assignment now. Keep in mind, it is only due tomorrow and, even though it is being 'graded' I will probably give everyone 10/10 for participation just so that we can see how the grading system works.

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