Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 9

  1. 9-10:15: Maths Topic 14-4 Converting Customary Units Of Measurement
  2. 10:30-11:45 - Work on your Chernobyl report. It is due on Thursday.
  3. 1-3PM: Historical Fiction Second Draft Due Tomorrow - Peer editing/Evaluation will be done this afternoon. I will share your historical fiction stories with your partners so that they can take a look and add some suggestions. 
Here are the groups for Peer Editing/Evaluation:

1. Runa, Miyu, and Christine
2. Janelle, Nao, and Becky
3 , Kanon, Rachelle, and Bronte
4. Eugene, Martin, and Kazuki
5. Henry, Liam, and Leo
6. Matt, Darius, and Phoebe

Other Due Dates, Projects and Assignments:
1. Chernobyl Report due on Thursday, 04/09
2. Social Studies Project Due Tomorrow.
3. Grammar Unit 6 - We will work on this throughout the week. I will share documents with you that you should use to complete the assignments if we continue with distance learning. 
4. Science Chapter 5 - The Water Cycle - We will start this tomorrow. 
5. Science STEM Self-watering plant device - Postponed until we return to school but WE WILL DO IT!
6. International Expo: Postponed until we return to school but WE WILL DO IT!

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