Monday, April 13, 2020

Blog Archive - What does this section of the screenshot below say about 2020 in Robustania?

If you look at the Blog Archive in the screenshot above, you will notice that 20 to 30 blog posts in a month are average for our class. That's on average one post for every day of the month. 

If you start thinking like a researcher (we will soon learn about research methods in Maths), you will notice that December and February have a similar number of posts. Yes, three weeks off in December and two weeks of quarantine in February will do that. 

Look at March and April. March has almost DOUBLE the posts compared to the average in a normal month. If you look at this blog again in the fUtUre, this would be a good reminder of what we are currently living through and how the world is affected.

Here is your assignment in BOLD:
In twenty years, you will be 30 or 31 years old. 
When that time comes, you might meet someone who is twenty years old and if you do, it is quite possible that they would have been born in the spring of 2020, which is right in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak! 

Because they will only be tiny little babies right NOW, in the fUtUre, it might be hard for them to imagine what quarantine is like. Maybe they will all be distance learning by then, but probably...hopefully, not for the same reasons as we have been. Would they know what you mean if you say, "social distancing"?
Over the next week, I want you to think of twenty things from daily life that have changed. For example, mention ways that social distancing is affecting your life. If you would like to, or if you struggle to think of twenty things that have affected your life, think of TEN things that have changed about your life because of COVID-19, and TEN things that have affected people in China, Europe, and the USA, where the effects have been far more severe than they are in Taiwan. 
Two things that I have noticed and written about in my own journal recently include: 

  1. Friends of mine in England are not allowed to visit friends or even family members, need to stay 2 meters from other people if they have to go out, and are only allowed to leave their houses to exercise or buy food.
  2. When I drive home from H.I.S. each day, I pass two pharmacies. Just a few weeks ago, I would see nothing unusual as I drove by. Now, every day, there is a long line of people standing outside of each pharmacy, all waiting to get their supply of masks for the week. 
As you can see, my first observation is based on what my friends in England have told me when I have called or emailed them. My second observation is of my own situation. I can't help but compare my life to the lives of people I know in the USA and Europe. We will be doing Compare/Contrast essays later this month so this is a good way to start thinking about how to go about this sort of assignment. 

Your overall mission:

Can you think of TWENTY things that changed in 2020 and write about them in your journal today? You will have to type them into a document and submit it as an assignment on Google Classroom this Friday. We can work on it in the Reading Lab on Wednesday, so don't worry about time issues. I will create a document for each of you and show you how to upload the document as an assignment on Google Classroom on Wednesday. 
Get started as soon as you can on this!

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