Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Achieve 3000 Articles for this week

Please read at least one of these each day. Complete the Activity and Thought Questions as a priority. You may also complete the Before and After Reading Polls and any other activity if you have time.

Butterfly Blues - This article combines what we learned about ecosystems, adaptations, and Chernobyl in Science and World War II and New Threats To Peace in Social Studies. Wow!

Looking for Water - think about the water cycle as you read this.

This Wall Is History - We will be learning about the Berlin Wall this week and later on when we learn about the Cold War. It's quite an interesting topic. I hope that you agree.

Warming Earth: Changing Rivers - This article links what we know about climate change with what we will be learning about the water cycle.

Lunar Takeaways - While pondering whether or not sending humans to the moon was a good or bad idea, read this and see how it influences your thinking.


  1. Replies
    1. I think you will enjoy these quite a bit and you, Henry, will especially enjoy the two videos that I just added to today's Social Studies lesson. I will put the lesson up at about 12:30 today.
