Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 15 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update

Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of the parents and other family members who were able to attend our Fun Day on Wednesday.  We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did. Please note that our next big event is the Christmas show next Wednesday, December 4th.

What we learned this week
Maths: Topic 7: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Literacy: The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Homes/The One and Only Ivan/Research-based arguments. English Unit 3 Verbs – Unit Test
Science: Chapter 2 – Forces and Motion/Chapter Wrap-Up
Social Studies: Ch. 6 Growth and Change
What we will learn next week
Math: Topic 8 Shapes/Cumulative Test Topics 1-8
Literacy: The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Homes/The One and Only Ivan/Research-based arguments.
Science: Chapter 2 – Forces and Motion/Chapter Test
Social Studies: Ch. 6 Growth and Change/Mini In-class project
Student of the Week: 
Well done, Miyu Shiraishi. Check out the Student of the Week page on the blog to find out more.  
Dojo Masters: 

Thanks for all the hard work this week. Please check the Dojo Masters page on the blog to see who our masters for this week are. 

  1. Our Christmas Show will be held in the school auditorium on Wednesday, December 4th.
  2. There are only three weeks left until our Christmas Vacation that starts on December 13th. Please be aware that the 13th is a half-day. School will reopen on Monday, January 6th.

Have a good weekend! 

Mr. Robus

Monday, November 25, 2019

Spelling Week 15

Spelling Words – 

  1. dangerous
  2. history
  3. vacation
  4. popular
  5. favorite
  6. memory
  7. personal
  8. educate
  9. regular
  10. continue
  11. potato
  12. natural
  13. sensitive
  14. energy
  15. emotion
  16. period
  17. property
  18. condition
  19. imagine
  20. attention

Challenge Words

  1. juvenile
  2. astonish
  3. ovation
  4. amateur
  5. obvious
  6. adjective
  7. proper
  8. description
Academic Words;
  1. perpendicular
  2. parallel
  3. segment
  4. quadrilateral
  5. acute
  6. obtuse
  7. generalization
  8. trapezoid

Friday, November 22, 2019

Week 14 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,

Thank you to all of the families for their contributions to our Thanksgiving lunch. Our next big event is Fun Day which will start at 1:10 PM on the track behind the school. Please be sure to check the blog and Class Dojo for the colour that you will be wearing this year. 

What we learned this week
Math: Topic 7: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Literacy: Interpretive Essays – Defending Big Ideas/English Unit 3 Verbs/Foundations of an argument.
Science: Chapter 2 – Forces and Motion
Social Studies: Ch. 5 New Industries. Chapter Wrap Up and Test.

What we will learn next week
Math: Topic 7: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals/Topic 8 Shapes
Literacy: Foundations of an argument/English Unit 3 Verbs – Unit Wrap-up/Test the following week.
Science: Chapter 2 – Forces and Motion/Chapter Wrap-Up
Social Studies: Ch. 6 Growth and Change

Student of the Week:
Well done, Bronte Costello. Check out the Student of the Week page on the blog to find out more.  

Dojo Masters:
Thanks for all the hard work this week. Please check the Dojo Masters page on the blog to see who our masters for this week are.

  1. Fun Day - Wednesday, November 27th at 1:10 PM
  2. Our Christmas Show will be held in the school auditorium on Wednesday, December 4th.
  3. There are only three weeks left until our Christmas Vacation that starts on December 13th. Please be aware that the 13th is a half-day. School will reopen on Monday, January 6th.

Have a good weekend!

Mr. Robus